Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday Rudeness

Yeah for Sundays and plenty of fodder for my blog. I'll go with my first table of the day. It was a table of 3 women that looked at me with blank stares and proceeded to give me a run for my money. They were a text book study in rudeness.

One woman ordered a hot tea. Servers HATE hot teas. They are a pain in the ass because of so many elements that fills up your hands and makes it impossible to multi-task. After I had served her tea and put away the tea box, her friend decided she wanted one too. Bite me.

All three wanted appetizers. The third woman wanted her app and meal at the same time, a separate check, and a dessert to go. I had a feeling she hated the other two. As I brought their food the last woman was complaining that she didn't have everything she ordered. Relax lady, it's still in my hands.

The second woman didn't tell me she had a food allergy and we had to remake her food. And also sent me on at least 3 trips back for extra sauces and add ons. She asked me twice what my name was again, but it was too much for her to remember.

The first woman decided to finish her meal and then complain about how much fat was on her pork chop and that she shouldn't have to pay for it. Way to get a free meal and piss off your server.

On both checks they left me about 18%, which is the minimum you should leave for good service. It was a relief when I saw my tips, I didn't expect anywhere near that much. But as any other server will tell you, these kind of guests are not worth the effort.

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