Sunday, November 13, 2011

Changing Orders

There is this ridiculous thing becoming much more common. You order your food, and then at some point before it arrives, stop someone to change your order. This is so nuts. We've already begun cooking the food, what the heck are we supposed to do with it now???

A couple did it today. They ordered two sandwiches, then stopped my manager as he was walking by to change to 1 entree that they wanted to split.
A lady did it a couple of days ago. She ordered an entree, then asked me 10 minutes later if it was too late to change her mind. I told her it was to late, it was being plated as we spoke.
Another lady did it last week, she wanted to change her entree. I was able to change the order for her.

I have several theories for why this is becoming more common. It may be the economy. People are more careful about how they are spending their dollars, so they are constantly rethinking their purchases. The other is that people are just becoming mush brained and indecisive do to excessive TV and Internet use. These guests seem to be totally out of touch with reality. The product you ordered is being used and prepared to your specifications. It is now complete waste. It also backs up the kitchen, making everyone else wait for the food they know they wanted.

If you don't know what you want it is OK to take a few more minutes to read the menu. Don't guess. "I guess I want chicken. Oh, is it ready? I meant fish." Grow the hell up and make a decision like an adult.

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